Watchman Outreach Mission as envisioned fundamentally comprises of men and women of faith who watch over one another and together watch for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Next to this primary assignment is an equally important responsibility of bringing others into the same state of watchfulness and readiness as the coming of the Lord draws near. Ours is a trans-ministerial, trans-denominational mission. Our core values include expository teaching, prayer and counselling. We train in principles and practice of Christian discipleship and equip for effective Kingdom Service. The Lord Jesus Christ in one of His parable said "While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept" Mathew 25:5. Watchman Outreach Mission is a response of faith to this and similar warnings about even...


Food For Thought

“AND THE THREE HUNDRED BLEW THE TRUMPETS, AND THE LORD SET EVERY MAN'S SWORD AGAINST HIS FELLOW, EVEN THROUGHOUT ALL THE HOST: AND THE HOST FLED …” Judges 7:22. The story of Israel’s suffering that preceded the call of Gideon, and the battle of Gideon and his army of 300 against the Midianites serves as a fantastic reminder that the faith of a few people can go a long way in changing lives around us, and even the course of history itself. We from it learn that every trial in the lives of God's people is tailored to draw us closer to God. It also became clear that success in life’s battle is determined by God's power, not ours.

Life on Heaven's Highway


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